Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Grateful Heart

And to think all I had to do was read a book.

Yes it was that simple. Well, I read two books. One titled Lord, I Believe written by Jim Ayers, the second was The Secret written by Rhonda Byrne (both available on Both taught me alot. How to be true to myself and my higher power. How to think and focus all my positive energy to make good things happen in my life. How to believe in myself that I could indeed have things and do things without being completely unsatisfied in my life.

I live a happy life now because I also learned to be grateful. A grateful heart carries so much power. If you enjoy what you already have than you will immediately be blessed with more because you appreciate it. It's much like a relationship. You give love and get love back. It works much like that in the Universe. If you give you shall receive ten fold. I learned to give, but never expected to receive. If you EXPECT to receive and you are only giving TO receive then of course it won't work. You have to be true to your heart first. Do what your heart tells you to do.

These days people do what their head tells them which soon leads to unhappiness, negativity, and a bad attitude. Attitude is also a big deal. Which comes from thinking positive. I try everyday to wake up and smile first thing and immediately be grateful I am here one more day. I love waking up in the morning with a fresh new start to show the world new and exciting things I have read, or seen, or heard.

I am happy in my own life. I may not have alot and I may be a single mom barely making ends meet, but I am truly happy in my life. Why? Because I have a grateful heart and things happen to fall into place as I need them to.

Have an Attitude of Gratitude and you will get far...

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